Friday, January 14, 2011

Colin Firth honoured on Hollywood Walk of Fame

Colin Firth ,"most recognized gent in period drama" was celebrated on the Hollywood Walk of Fame yesterday! His star can be found right beside fellow British actor Emma Thompson, who just received her star last August!

Firth dedicated the honour to his Italian wife, "I want to thank everybody that has accompanied me on this extraordinary journey, but probably more than anybody I could ever imagine Livia who has walked every step of this with me joyfully and truthfully. When I look down there at that star, it's her name I see."

During his speech, he joked: "I have a feeling I'm going to be here when I'm about 93 under a pile of blankets asking for spare change and trying to convince anyone that will listen that I'm the guy whose name is on the sidewalk - failing to recognise that the old lady next to me is in fact Emma Thompson."

Colin is considered a front runner to win Best Actor at this Sunday's Golden Globes for his role in The King's Speech and many are expecting/hoping that he'll receive an Oscar nomination later this month (January 25th) for his portrayal of King George VI.
[UK Press Association]

Both Colin and Emma Thompson
have been entered into my Hall of Fame previously!

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