Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dysenchanted (2004)

Seven storybook heroines meet once a week to process their issues in group therapy.

This 6 minute short film written by Terri Miller played at Sundance Film Festival in 2004.

Alexis Bledel - Goldilocks
Laura Kightlinger - Cinderella
Sarah Wynter -Sleeping Beauty
Jaime Bergman - Alice
K.D. Aubert - Little Red Riding Hood
Amy Pietz - Clara
Shiva Rose - Snow White
Jill Small - Dorothy
James Belushi - Doctor (The Shrink)

Sleeping Beauty (Sarah Wynter) and Goldilocks (Alexis Bledel)

Here is a sample of character's profile from Official site

Doctor's notes on Goldilocks:
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Adolescent angst
Currently homeless
Suspect abuse
Two strikes for arrest - breaking and entering
Coping Mechanism:
Trust issues
Hypertactility to creature comforts

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