Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow and the Seven (2013)

Back in October, there was talk of various film projects for Snow White and it seems that all 3 (that we know of!) are being updated this week. Which one(s) will make it to the screen?
(Attempting to keep track of these competing films here)

IMDb lists Snow and the Seven with release year of 2013?

(Borys Kit) Reuters:
"Oscar-winning "Little Miss Sunshine" scribe Michael Arndt is in negotiations to work on the script for Disney's "Snow and the Seven," one of three rival Snow White projects in the works.

Additionally production designer John Myhre, an Oscar winner for his work on "Memoirs of a Geisha" and "Chicago," has been brought on board to begin creating the worlds of the fairy tale, which is set in 19th century China.

Yes, China.

The project, which Disney has been developing since 2002, centres on a 19th century Englishwoman who returns to her Hong Kong home for her father's funeral, only to discover that her stepmother is plotting against her. She escapes to mainland China, finding solace among a rogue band of seven international warriors.

Francis Lawrence has been on board to direct since early on, even as a slew of writers has taken turns at the script. Arndt last week picked up an Oscar nomination for co-writing "Toy Story 3."

With all systems go for "Snow," the big question is Natalie Portman's involvement. She has been circling the project since last year, but her pregnancy could hinder her ability to undertake a physically intense movie that will feature several different fighting styles."

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