In Tarsem Singh's upcoming film, Lily Collins (from The Blind Side) describes her character of Snow White as “a joyful person who lights up a room and maintains grace at all times.” With a father played by the recently cast Sean Bean, she’s fine as long as the King is around, but… we all know how that turns out. “She’s a naive innocent young girl who turns into a woman and really finds herself,” Collins says.
Collins says this will not be a passive princess, but it’s not a cynical take on the folktale icon either: “She’s very much that fairy tale princess we’ve all read about in books. She’s been modernized in a way that she becomes a fighter in the end.”
Armie Hammer plays the prince, who finds himself stuck in a love triangle between Snow and her wicked stepmother, because he can shift the balance of power in their mythical realm. “They’re competing for the prince in separate ways,” says Collins, who is currently shooting in Montreal. “The Queen wants to use him to better herself. I’m seeking his help to gain back my kingdom from the Queen. She has her intentions from the start. I go from seeking his help to falling in love, though obviously there’s something of a spark from the beginning.”
[Read entire article at Entertainment Weekly]
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